Photo by fauxels
Do you talk to other people at work? Yes? Great. Do you talk to them enough?
There are always some hiccups in team communication. People don’t have time to socialize. They forget to share information or don’t express themselves clearly.
Such communication creates frustration.
What’s worse? Your colleagues don’t dare to speak up about it. Learn to talk. You will be surprised how much you can achieve by talking only.
Communication is everything
You never work in a silo. You are always in touch with someone. The outcome depends on how well you communicate. Poor communication = poor results. On top of that, poor communication = poor relationships.
If you want to achieve better results, always explain the purpose behind it. It is as easy as adding “because”.
We need to reply to the client, because…
Can you test this new software, because…
Good relationships are created by communication fuelled by purpose.
The purpose binds teams together and creates compliance. Talk often and explain what's going on.
Communication creates trust
People say that what you do matters more than what you say. It is both, like these scenarios:
Say and do = trust
Say and don’t do = disappointment
Don’t say and do = positive surprise
Don’t say and don’t do = ignorance
Communication is a pillar of trust. You trust my word. I trust you. We cover each other’s backs. You can’t have a relationship without trust. It is not going to work.
These tips can help:
Say ‘no’ as much as you say ‘yes’
Admit when you don’t know; others will be more likely to help you
Listen to others
Ask questions - showing interest is better than ignorance
Communication influences job satisfaction
How satisfied are you with your job? Do you feel like your boss talks to you enough?
You need to know what is happening and why.
“They decide.” “They deal with it.” Someone above has the power, and you feel like you have no control. That’s bad.
In whatever position you are in, make sure that people always feel in charge.
Let them participate in solutions. Discuss alternatives. Give them a voice. You should never ignore their questions or silence their concerns. Communication is a two-way process.
Sadly, too many managers forget about that. As a result, satisfaction is low and frustration is high.
Communication is key to development
You are used to hearing what is right and what is wrong. You need to understand why.
Without why you don’t understand things. Let’s say your manager tells you:
You have to learn SQL.
From now on, we will use it. We have to learn it.
How do you feel about learning SQL? Positively? I don’t think so. It could feel different if you give a reason:
We have to learn SQL because our current inventory system is outdated. SQL will save time on reporting and is compatible with the accounting system. So, no more manual work!
Better? A bit.
When you talk to your teammates, think about what you are saying and why. Seamless collaboration does not just happen. It is the result of communication.
So what now?
Well, that is easy. Talk.
Talk to coworkers. Explain and discuss. Listen and facilitate conversations. Encourage others to talk because we never speak enough in teams.