Wow Ivona! This share is so very relevant to a digital launch I carried out last night on The Best Kept Nutrition Secret of 2024! You prompted me to acknowledge...myself as the boss I am in that video AND the proactive team member I have to be to my weaknesses in the entrepreneur space (I'm new here 😆) AND one of the members of my team who is proactive AF re: candid feedback for improvement and celebrating my wins simply because...she is so passionate about my cause that she can't help but see me succeed. And so... I sent her the video, a similar sentiment as above highlighting *your writing* and again...emphasized my gratitude...to her as the priceless being she is to my cause & my purpose. The same certainly applies to you...for making the world a better place...simply by staying true & authentic to your super powers...through the power of writing! Everyday, Substack blows me away because of the wisdom & gifts of sages like you 🙏

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Thank you so much for this feedback, it's great to hear your story and how you're doing. I am sure your entrepreneurship will work out as you wish, as it seems you have people who believe in you around. That's priceless. If you by any chance wish to talk, or anything, let me know, happy to chat and maybe share my experience in entrepreneurship or leadership :) Have a great day!

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