Case studies


  1. How to Work With People Who May Have Imposter Syndrome

  2. Teamwork Stopped Working When A New Colleague Joined

  3. Team Members Who Hate Each Other

  4. Gossip vs. Feedback

  5. How to Build a Team From Scratch

  6. The Bigger the Team, the More Challenges You Can Expect

  7. Can You Change a Toxic Person?

  8. Too Many Communication Levels Create a Mess

  9. Career Switch - From 9-5 to Your Own Business

  10. Expand Your LinkedIn Influence and Network

  11. Leadership Mindset

  12. Motivation and Recognition

  13. Joining a New Team as a Leader

  14. Micromanagement as One Big Management Flaw

  15. Setting Successful Team Goals

  16. How to Lead a Change

  17. Lead Yourself Before You Lead Others

  18. Goal Failure

  19. How to (Not) Communicate Your Values

  20. The Right Time For Promotion

  21. Team Needs

  22. Pointless Performance Review

  23. How to Develop Other Leaders

  24. The Right Amount of Feedback

  25. The Lack of Respect

  26. From Zero to 20 People

  27. The Skill-Will Matrix in Practice

  28. Coach Your Team

  29. Meetings With Different Personalities

Browse 👇

Case study #6 : The Bigger the Team, the More Challenges You Can Expect
I am a dreamer. I believe people can work together without games and fake culture. There are many dreamers like me. They start their own companies with a vision of doing it differently. No more corporate gibberish, dress codes, and strict rules. Just work with a group of friends you can trust and do what you love…
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Case study #5: How to Build a Team From Scratch
Working with people you can choose is a dream. In most cases, you do not have such a luxury. You have to work with everyone. That can be a real pain in the neck. Adam, however, received an offer he could not refuse. I bet you would vote for it too. Adam was a Millennial manager who led multiple teams in the past. He usually took them over from other promoted managers. It was common in a corporate environment…
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Case Study #4: Gossip vs. Feedback
Communication at work is often blocked and indirect. It is not common for people to tell others what they really think and confront them immediately. Instead, they leave meetings angry, frustrated, or bitter. But it does not end there. They need to vent. So, they speak up and complain to other people. Gossip abounds…
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Case Study #3: Team Members Who Hate Each Other
What happens when you merge two independent teams into one? Culture clash. Teams are getting smaller or even larger all the time. Yet, it does not have to work smoothly. Especially when communication is not transparent from the beginning. This team worked alone for years. It was a highly specialized group of experienced individuals. They were great but expensive…
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Case Study #2: Teamwork Stopped Working When A New Colleague Joined
Do you sometimes wish to work alone? Working in a team can be exhausting. It was the case when a new colleague joined my team years ago. The group started to fall apart. My team needed a new hand. We found Cleo during hiring, who smashed all the case studies and was soon welcomed to our team…
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Case Study #1: How to Work With People Who May Have Imposter Syndrome
Leaders have a clear job. Care about others and help them use their natural talents. You grow together, build trust with your group, and are proud of what you have achieved. Well, not everybody feels the same way. You may have worked with someone who doubted her/his work all the time. Does this sound familiar…
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